Plays Well With Others

Concerts in the park …

Like alot of cultural centers of the world, San Francisco offers free concerts in the park for eight weeks every summer. It’s been about three or four years since I went to the last one, but this weekend, Wifey™ and I and a couple of friends went to see the San Francisco Ballet perform a variety of routines.

The seating area is roughly the size of a football field and by the time we arrived around noon, the majority of the grassy areas were filled with a patchwork of blankets and beach chair and picnicing families claiming their spots. We ended up finding a spot on the edge just large enough for the four of us. By the time the show began at 2PM, there wasn’t a blade of grass sticking up anywhere; every square inch was covered with a blanket or a beach chair. And, although we claimed a spot on the very edge of the grassy area, somehow we must have left some grass showing because we were quickly surrounded by families trying to claim the one foot by eight foot strip of land behind the 8 foot by 8 foot patch we’d claimed for our picnic area.

Although the ballet isn’t my personal favorite form of entertainment, I found the music relaxing and loved just being able to sit and chat with friends and have a good lunch on a Sunday afternoon. Plus, it’s always a perk to get something for free.

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