Plays Well With Others

Sanctity of Human Life Day …

This Sunday, January 19th, has been declared “National Sanctity of Life Day” by our wonderful President. Basically, this is a day to “reaffirm our commitment to respecting the life and dignity of every human being”.

Of course, this can only happen after we kill Osama Bin Laden, then go after Sadam Hussein, and let’s add the Koreans to the mix.

Ugh. Does anyone else see the hypocritical nature of this idiots National Sanctity of Human Life Day? Since Dubya has stepped into office all he’s done is perpetuate the start of a war with someone. He started out with Bin Laden and when he couldn’t find him, he moved onto his daddy’s pal, Sadam Hussein, and just to throw something new into the mix, he’s pissing off the Koreans because of their nuclear capabilities.

What I want to know is why other countries can’t have nuclear weapons but we can. Don’t even try to tell me that the U.S. doesn’t have any nuclear weapons laying around just waiting for something to happen.

Ugh. Just another reason I think our President is an idiot.

Speaking of idiots, do you ever think that maybe sometimes you sound like one?

Over the years, I’ve worked at a number of different companies, all with their own inside jokes. Most of these jokes would sound just plain stupid to an outsider, but if you worked within the company or type of business you’d completely understand.

Case in point, would be two doctors joking that a patient tried to use Phenyloxizene for an irritation instead of Phenylcotazine. They’d laugh hard about that one, while the majority of us would be like “So?”, having no clue of the difference. When I worked at a printing company, they’d joke about how someone wanted to use 24lb. paper instead of 50lb. for business cards. Erm. Okay, so it’s amusing if you know the difference, but most people would think you’re an idiot.

Every job or business type has things they joke about that the outside world just wouldn’t understand. Sometimes you might even try to share such jokes with someone from the outside world, and they just look at you like your and idiot.

And so, I’ve pretty much developed a system where I don’t do inside jokes in public. At work, I have no problem getting involved, but once I get into a public situation, it’s a no-no. Ugh.

I remember going to a restaurant one time with this group of people from the printing company. Once we were handed the menus, it all started. The pressman began scrutinizing the print job of their menus, showing us that the colors weren’t lined up properly. Someone else found a spelling error, and someone else found something wrong with the binding work on the menu. Ugh. Talk about a fun time. Thing is, for them it was fun. That’s what they do. It’s how they relate. Shit. What else would they talk about, if not work?

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