Plays Well With Others

Throwing My Life Away …

Last time we moved, we packed about 300 boxes of crap up to haul to our new place. It took us a month’s worth of weekends to get all the boxes moved and by the time we were done, the office was packed wall to wall with boxes up to the ceiling. It was insane.

This time we’re doing it differently. Over the past year, even before we knew we’d be buying a house and moving, we started the process of getting organized. We bought a ton of plastic bins to put things away in and have slowly been getting rid of excess clutter. Anything we haven’t used in the past year is getting dumped. The one room I’d pretty much avoided was the office. At the top of the closet, I’ve had three or four boxes of old school stuff that I’ve held on to for about 30 years now. Memories from Kindergarten through then end of high school. Lots of memories. The problem is that I’ve never looked through it. I just carry it from house to house to house. Ugh. So, this past weekend I threw it all away.

It actually feels good to get rid of things. Unlike the last time we moved where the office boxes alone filled the room, now the boxes fill a closet, meaning I’ve gotten rid of a hell of a lot of shit over the past year. It’s amazing.

I think the last move taught us how hard it is to haul all those boxes up and down stairs. I never ever want to do that again. So we’ll begin our lives in this new place — clutter free.

One Response to 'Throwing My Life Away …'

  1. personal avatar
    emily b. hunt | 02 March 2004

    Must be lovely. We just found out that we have to move–and if I had known sooner maybe I could have embarked on a similar plan. Of course, nothing is going to change the 30+ boxes of books that have to be hauled around each time…

    Congrats on your house.

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