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Friday Five: July 30th

1) Of everything in your wardrobe what do you feel the most comfortable wearing? Why? I’m most comfortable in some jeans and a casual button down shirt. Why… because it’s comfortable.

2) How would you describe your style? Casual. I like getting dressed up, but I like being comfortable more. Just throwing on clothes that you don’t have to worry about getting dirty.

3) How many pairs of shoes do you own and do you wear them all? I probably have about six or so, and wear maybe four of the pairs. Two pair of work shoes and some sneakers. I have hiking boots that I don’t wear unless I’m hiking or on a construction site.

4) Where do you buy most of your clothes? I’m cheap, so Target or Old Navy or Mervyn’s works for me. My wardrobe consists of jeans, dockers, and casual button down shirts.

5) What was the last piece of clothing you bought? I think it was a couple pairs of pants. There was a sale and I needed some new work pants.