Plays Well With Others

Shoplifting 101…

We headed over to Target this evening just to do some browsing. After we park, we’re walking up to the front of the store and this car parks right in front of the doors. Seconds later, this guy comes running out at full speed with a couple of boxes in his hands, throws them into the car and speeds off. Obviously a shoplifter.

At least six or seven other customers watched him run out. No security guard in sight. So we enter the store, customers still milling about talking about it and notice the security guard standing just feet from the front door browsing through the One Spot section. We approach him and ask if he just saw the guys run out of the store with the boxes and very non-chalantly he says “No”. And that’s it. Even the other customers that were around were laughing at it, like “how could you have missed him”.

So, we approach some of the store clerks and tell them about it and they seemed slightly more concerned. At least enough to maybe find out more, unlike the security guard who seemed to care less. At least they could check the security tapes or something.

You just kind of have to wonder why they’d even HAVE a security guard if he’s not going to try and get a license plate number or something. Ya know.

It certainly tested our memory skills though. I’m very detail oriented so I tend to notice A LOT. I saw the guy jump into the front driver side and drive off. Wifey™ saw him jump into the back seat. I saw two white boxes that could have been camera or printer or some kind of electronics. She saw beer boxes. They don’t sell beer. It happened so fast and was so dim that neither of us could get a license plate number. We agreed that it was an older car, loud muffler, they left skid marks on the street. We also both saw a female passenger next to where the driver would sit, giving more validity to the shoplifter driving off, since she’d be sitting next to him. Ugh. Anyhow, we did our part.

Reminds me of the days when I worked in a grocery store and we’d actually CHASE shoplifters out in the parking lot. One guy was chased outside, tackled and had five people sitting on him. They certainly wrestle and fight and half the time it would take all five people to hold them down. And one time, a guy jumped into a car and one of the helftier checkers ran out after him with a 2-liter of soda and managed to toss it in such a way that it went through the back window of the car. Now THAT’S how you spread the shoplifter love.

Target logo

On our way out, we noticed a security truck parked outside the front door. Ya know, because the shoplifters might come back to make an exchange or something. Ugh.

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