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Life Moments…

There’s this period of time, right around 25 years of age, that all of your friends start getting married and you end up with a bunch of weddings all bunched up in one year, months apart. That process repeats a few years later when they all start having kids and you’re suddenly bombarded with christenings and baptisms and first birthdays. There are always those friends that buck the trend and get married right out of high school or have kids later in life or even vice versa, but for the most part it tends to fit this pattern.

Most of my friends are now married and some have had their kids. So what could possibly be next—meeting up for those senior trips to Vegas via the Greyhound bus? Funny as it seems, we’re starting to get invited to weddings again, this time for second marriages. Yeah, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the kid in the baby carriage… then comes divorce, then comes marriage again.

Last year in October, I reported about my cousin’s wedding. It was his second marriage and his daughter was able to be in the wedding this time around to his new wife. He never had a ceremony for his first wedding, so it was the first time we’d seen him get married. Then, just a few weeks ago, I received an email from my aunt notifying me that my other cousin had gotten engaged over the holidays and the wedding would be in September. His second marriage. I still remember the first one, because it was so lavish. The parents rented a mansion on a hill and invited all of their country club friends to watch their son get married. That lavish wedding cost a bundle and lasted just a few months. There are high hopes this time around and I imagine, a smaller budget.

He met this one on Match.com, pre-Dr. Phil, so maybe they have a chance. I’ve also been asked to bring along my camcorder and tape the ceremony and reception, like I did at his last wedding. I’m the family videographer. I don’t mind because it gets me out of having to kneel and pray every five seconds.

The family is eager for a grandkid and since Wifey™ and I haven’t produced one yet, they’re looking towards other people. This wedding might take a little of the pressure off of us, because from what I can tell, she’s eager to procreate. The last kid born was my cousin, who is about ten now.

So, I’ll have to add something else to my list of milestones in life, weddings around 25, babies around 30, followed by divorces and then another round of weddings around 35, then I imagine another round of babies. Yeah, just keep repeating the cycle until the next milestone, retirement at 65. Woot.