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A Shade of Gray…

A few days ago I wrote about my disdain for how the Democrats [1] are handling things in Washington. You know, to be an equal opportunity offender. To be honest, I’m equally disgusted with both parties. As usual, there are Republican ideas I agree with and also Democratic ideas I agree with. I’ve read and heard arguments from both sides and think there’s a good middle ground, where I probably sit. Typical.

With regard to politics, there’s always going to be the far left and the far right and, although those are the people that tend to make the news, I think there are also a lot of people that fall right down the center. This is also what is making our elections so much more difficult and the results so much closer as a percentage. Bush’s win isn’t a message that he’s that much better or supported, and Kerry’s loss isn’t a message that his support is that much less. Instead, the fact that the elections are nearly 50/50 shows that most people just don’t know who to pick. We listen to both sides, we try to figure out which we support and in the end just pick the one that’s slightly better. We end up in that gray area, sometimes right, sometimes wrong.

And now, most people don’t support the Bush administration, which throws me in the same boat as most Americans—Republican and Democrat. Crazy. So where to go. It’s strange when everyone pretty much agrees that things are going downhill. At least before, I could get into a discussion with someone who had a different opinion and debate with them, hoping they’d enlighten me in some way or even change my mind, which I’m totally open to. Now we all agree. Talk about boring.

So I guess I’ll be staying right in this gray area until someone worthwhile joins the fold and gives me something to believe in. I look forward to the next big election—maybe I’ll vote for a Republican, maybe a Democrat. I’ll have to read their positions and decide at that point.