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Democrats Win The House…

As I head to bed, the Democrats have taken the House back meaning that the Republican’s have basically been smacked down in a big way. It’s a loud and clear message to Bush and the other Republicans that their corruption, lying and cheating in Washington won’t be accepted by the American people. And now it means that California’s own, Nancy Pelosi, will be the first woman Speaker of the House giving Bush a run for his money. I think this is significant because it opens the door for women to take on other leadership roles, such as the Presidency.

Democrats have also taken a majority of the Governorships in the country and now we sit and wait to hear how the Senate races are holding up. It’s not looking good for the Democrats, but that might be a good thing because bi-partisan politics usually ends up meaning good things for those of us on the voting end. Alas, we’ll see in the morning what the future holds.

For the first time in six years this is the most excited I’ve been about the political climate. The dictatorship of the Bush administration has come to an end and that’s good for every American moving forward.

Update: So, it’s the next day and the House is under Democratic control and the Senate appears to be closely in Democratic territory. Just moments ago, Donald Rumsfield agreed to step down, with the full knowledge that the Democrats would make ousting him their first order of business.

I think my excitement last night and this morning come not so much from the fact that Democrats are in control, but from the fact that the Republicans aren’t. And I think that might have been the biggest, loudest, clearest message sent out yesterday to that party—they aren’t representing the American people.

I’m also excited that a San Francisco liberal will be in charge of the House. Having Pelosi in charge can only mean good things for California and the Bay Area. The Democrats have an agenda in place for their first 100 hours which include, a push for action implementing all 9/11 Commission recommendations on national security, raising the minimum wage to $7.25. eliminating corporate subsidies for oil companies, allowing the government to negotiate Medicare drug prices, imposing new restrictions on lobbyists, cutting interest rates on college loans and supporting embryonic stem-cell research.

As for the war, I can only guess that we won’t exactly “cut and run”, but perhaps there will be an actual plan to get us the hell out of there. And perhaps, the Bush administration will be held accountable for what they’ve put us through.

Update: And here at the end of the day, the day after the election, it’s been determined that the Democrats have also taken control of the Senate. I guess a lot of people wanted to make sure Bush didn’t have any control at all. He’ll spend the next two years as a lame duck President, and maybe, be unable to hurt anyone else—like our country. What’s crazy is that even the most conservative Red states voted Blue this time around. Now if that doesn’t say something, what does.

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