Plays Well With Others

Tis the Season…

Each year around this time, people all around the country and thinking about the holidays and, more importantly, what they are going to be giving and getting for Christmas. Typically, I don’t want anything and when people ask, I tell them to get me one of those universal gift cards—something I can spend anywhere. I just don’t like people to pick stuff out for me. I like to pick stuff out myself.

Slowly but surely, my family has been getting out of the gift giving business. We used to buy something for everyone that’d be attending the holiday party. With nearly nineteen family members present, that got very, very expensive. Then they decided that only the kids (under 18) would get gifts and the adults would play the white elephant game. It works out for the kids who get piles of gifts while the adults sit and watch them open them. And our $20 limit on white elephant gifts, really doesn’t buy you anything that exciting.

This year my mom called us up and asked if we could just not buy gifts at all this year for each other—just stocking stuffers. It’s not a big deal. Like I said, if I want something, I typically buy it during the year. It’s not like I’m waiting all year for Christmas to come around to get that one thing I’ve been dying for.

The one thing that’s always annoyed me about my family at Christmas time is that whole “how much to spend” thing. It goes like this: Say you have a cousin who you know is only going to spend around $20 on your gift. Well, then you should only spend around $20 on their gift. Or say you have an aunt who you know is only going to get you a $5 box of chocolates. Then you should only buy her something equally cheap.

I don’t operate that way. If I’m giving something to someone, I’m typically not worried if I’m getting something of equal value in return. I’m giving just for the sake of giving. I choose the gift because I think the recipient will enjoy it—no strings attached. If I get nothing in return, I’ll honestly be okay.

I think if you’re going into the holidays with the “give to get” mentality, then you’ve got your priorities out of whack. First, you don’t have to give gifts to EVERYONE. Typically a card will do. Toss in a $10 gift card to Starbucks if you feel the need to give a little “extra” something. You should really only be buying stuff for people that you really care about. Second, don’t go in expecting anything in return. If you buy a gift for someone, it should be because you really want to give them a gift, not because you feel that you have to. You don’t have to do anything. And you should never give a gift expecting a gift of equal value in return. Third, buy gifts that you’d love to get yourself. You know that aunt that buys you a scarf every year. Well, I’m sure if you started buying her a scarf every year, she’d stop giving you scarves. The fun part about gift buying for me is that moment the person opens it and you immediately want to snatch it away from them and play with it. It’s the type of gift I’d want myself.

So, even though stores start putting out Christmas displays in September now, gift giving should be fun. You can order stuff online or go into the stores, but buy stuff that you’re proud to give and don’t go in thinking you have to buy for everyone you’ve ever met. It really is the thought that counts the most.

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