Plays Well With Others

I Miss My Old B&W TV…

“We all came from the sea,² JFK said in that speech.³ All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean … we are tied to the ocean, and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch it, we are going back from whence we came.² — President John F. Kennedy

I love watching some of the old 70’s/80’s television shows. I guess because I remember seeing them aired for the first time, it just brings back memories. I remember our first television was a 13″ black and white set, with two knobs to turn channels and one knob to turn the set on and off and adjust the volume. Very basic, no remote, no cable. We constantly had to move the antenna to get the picture clearer, but for some reason it was a great set. With so few channels, basically ABC, NBC, CBS and PBS and what is now FOX. Shows like Alice, Love Boat and Eight is Enough were great shows to watch on a weekday night. Watching those shows in re-runs is just a way to bring back some of those simpler times. Those days, the television was barely on, except at night for a few good shows. Now, my television in on constantly with a huge variety of shows to watch or VCR tapes to rent. I think about how now I have a large screen color television hooked up to cable, a VCR, a DSS satellite box, and a surround sound theater system, and think that its just too much. With so much of a variety on television, kids no longer play outside on bikes, or at the neighborhood park, but instead are glued to the television watching Simpsons, South Park and those friday lineup shows. It’s just too bad.

I discovered eBay a few months ago and have fallen in love with it. I’ve always loved looking through other peoples crap, like at garage sales or flea markets. eBay is one of my favorite sites for looking for stuff, and also for selling some stuff. I’ve sold a couple of old Macs on there, as well as some software I had laying around. Of course, selling to me is a pain in the ass, because once someone buys something I have to drive it to the packaging store and then do all the shipping. Just a pain to me. Plus, its not as fun as buying something. I’ve bought the laptop I’m currently using, for half of what it’s worth, and I’ve also bought a couple of walking sticks, which I collect. I love vintage things so I may take a look at some vintage things, and I’m on a constant search for an affordable Barber’s pole, mainly a personal thing because of my last name. Hmm, I think I have to go….its eBay time.

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