Plays Well With Others

My mom called me

My mom called me up today to tell me that she saw an ad in the paper for this place called

Why did she want to call me to let me know about a place that sells foam? Maybe she thought I liked foam. Maybe she thought I’d like to add it to my foam collection. Maybe she thought I needed a little more foam in my life. I mean a person can never have enough FOAM.

Actually, the cushions on my sofa are awful. They are squishy. Not like Pamie’s Squishy, but like an old pillow that you sleep on. Not only are they really squishy, they are filled with feathers. So, every now and then you can be sitting there and a feather will fly out. It looks like you just sat on a bird or something, just awful.

So, I’ve been looking for some foam to replace the squishy-feather insides. I went to the site and it seems like a pretty good deal. I think I’ll order some foam for my sofa. Who would have ever known there would be a site on the internet that sells FOAM of all things.

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