Plays Well With Others

Katie’s readers emerge … Are you

Katie’s readers emerge …

Are you here? Did you come from Katie’s site? Are you wondering who the freak is that was talking to her on her weblog thingamabob?

Thanks for the big link there Katie, I think I got five of your five hundred readers to come over here. What would I do without you. (that’s sarcasm Katie, just so you dont think I’m being nice or something)

Anyhow, to Katie’s readers I just have to preface this by saying that if you read this, you’ll find that I’m the male version of Katie, minus the melodrama, the blonde hair, the fact that I’m older than her, the fact that she actually likes Eric, and the fact that I actually like my mom … oh and the fact that her journal is actually popular. Other than that, we could be twins.

I also keep my journal a little differently than Katie does. I keep it blogger style, started a couple of months ago, when I was visiting Wifey™, my online, internet relationship, that I should talk about more in here. Well, when I went to visit her in Canada, I decided to start the journal blogger style so I could update my readers remotely. Well, as my longtime readers know, I updated maybe once during my two week vacation. So much for that idea.

Hopefully, you’ll check out some of the archives, and find out that I’m sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes I just talk to much and then wonder why the hell I wrote that entry. I try to be honest and I’ll always answer readers questions … sometimes in the journal, sometimes not.

Also, my links page is the most updated page for finding journals I read. Just because Katie and a few others decided to move their journals to new URLs, doesnt mean I’m going to go through my last year and a half of entries and update them. Hell no.

I also tend to stick to my slogan “Random Thoughts, Words and Pictures of Life”. My journal is kind of a spew of thoughts and words. My life is like a night of partying hard, without the excitement, and then I come home at night and spew it all out in my journal. Isn’t that soooo poetic? I know, Im a natural born writer. I’ve also played with the idea of adding more photos to the journal, but I’m such a lazy ass, I just never get around to it.

On that note, everyone needs to get off my ass about the webcam. I havent turned it on in around five months or so, so the photo is really old and my hair has grown out by now. I’ll update sometime.

Thats about it for now … of course, I update a few times a day so check back and see what I’ve come up with.

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