Plays Well With Others

Snobs.. There are tons


There are tons of different kinds of snobs in the world. There are your wine snobs, and your brand name snobs, and your school snobs, and your vacation snobs. Like I said, all sorts. And during my last job, I think I worked with just about every kind, and even some of my friends have become slightly snobby about things now.

Not to say that I dont have my own snobby tendencies, although I tend to see myself blending in more with the average human being. My snobby tendencies have to do with cars and home. For cars, its how well kept up your car is and how new it is. Of course, the newer the better. If you drive a piece of crap, in my back of my head, I might start to judge your car a little bit and even be glad mines better. Of course now I sound like an asshole to everyone reading this. As far as homes go, I’m looking at the quality of your furniture, not really how new it is. For example a friend of mine, got new sofas and new bookcases recently and I hate them. I dont like oak furniture. I think it looks trailer trashy. I like walnut, pecan and some cherry woods, but oak is out. See I can be snobby too.

As far as my friends go, a few have become wine snobs, something I know very little of. As far as food in general goes, my opinion is that as long as a tastes good in my mouth, that’s all that matters. Of course, this is not true to the wine snob. The wine snob knows exactly what kind of wine gets served with what kind of dish. Those are my friends. Of course, I think they dont know as much as they want everyone to think they know. Its more of a showy thing. Thats the worse kind of snob. The fake snob.

Then there are the people I know that are movie snobs. These are people I dont go to movies with anymore. They think it makes them look intellectual to discuss the movie, the cinematography, and directing AFTER the movie, while sipping coffee. Ugh. If I wanted to sit through that I’d be taking movie classes at some junior college. I go to movies to watch them, enjoy them, and pretty much be brain dead for a couple of hours. Afterwards, perhaps make the comment whether I liked it or not. That’s it.

Now, at my last job, I worked with lots and lots of young urban rich professionals, or yurpies. They were snobs on just about every subject. The biggest being where you went to school. If it didnt sound like Yale, Harvard, Princeton or Stanford, then it just didnt cut it. And if it had the name of a state in it, well, you might as well just quit your job right then and there. The hiring process was always fun, because they’d usually weed you out based on where you went to school. Fair, huh. Luckily I got the job through connections or I wouldnt have had a chance in hell. School snobs can be found in most industries where the money flows like Niagara Falls. One girl made sure to mention at least twice a day how “when [she] studied abroad”.

Of course, these people were also very snobby about where you grew up or went on vacation. If you wanted to be accepted, you had to take vacations to places like Africa or Singapore or skiiing on the Swiss Alps, none of this going to the local beach town. Of course, I wasnt making $80k either to do all this stuff. A few would spent holidays on Martha’s Vineyard or at the Cape with family. I always laughed, just imaging their asses getting stuck on a plane for twelve hours just to get there.

Snobs come in all shapes in sizes, and we all have something we are snobby about. Maybe you are a snob about where you shop. For example, you might only buy your meat from that expensive market rather than the less expensive one, or perhaps you wont dare step in a Kmart, or perhaps you would never live in a trailer home.

My grandparents were brand name snobs. They HAD to have, for example, Sony electronics. In their opinion, Sony TVs, radios, and other electronics were the best and they’d never buy another brand name. Same with shoes, and clothing. Shoes had to be a well known brand name, and clothing had to be bought from a high end store. Of course, most of it is how well those places market their products, but to this day, I still look for brand names when I have to buy something.

Anyhow … what are you snobby about, if anything? Do you know any snobby people?

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