Plays Well With Others

I’ll run your ass

I’ll run your ass over … that’s what [Part II]

Okay, I just liked the title. But its a gripe about vehicles, so I thought it was fitting.

I think there should be a law about those big ass trucks being on the road when other cars are. You know which ones I’m talking about, because at some point you drove behind one only to have your windshield sprayed with rock fire, blowing out of the back of one of those things.

I just dont see how thats not a road hazard. I mean the guy is driving his truck down the road and rocks are flying every which way behind him, mowing down cars left and right. I already have a chip in my front window from one of those assholes. They should be forced to put a tarp over the back of the truck or something. If that’s a pain in the ass for them, then I suggest limiting them to driving between 9PM to 4AM. That would teach them. Either that or having to take long ass outta the way roads that no one travels on.

It just seems a little inconsiderate to have your garbage flying every which way on the freeway, damaging cars left and right. Argh!!

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